About Us
How we approach the child and family is unique to needs of each family and every family is different so we are flexible in our approach. Behavior specialists are available for anything from single-visit consultation packages to a long-term working relationship that is goal-oriented with clear timelines and expectations. We take the view that it should not be an arbitrary or indefinite timeline; rather, as a team, working with you and your child, we should all have input as to what the issues are, what we want to resolve, and how we plan on going about doing that.
What We Do
Focusing on your most pressing, current concerns, we offer:
Assessing children in multiple settings to help create goals and achieve objectives
Creating behavioral plans that help support the child
Recommendations for environmental modification
Training to relevant staff/family in new behavioral plan
Assistance in writing goals that address the individual differences of your child and providing support at IEP meetings
Work closely with advocates, parents, and providers to better meet the child’s needs
Where Do We Meet
KFS can meet you at your home, school, or wherever else is most appropriate to facilitate our goals. It is important to meet the child where they will feel safe emotionally so that is why most visits will start at the home first.